Saturday, June 30, 2012

South Mississippi Hometown Hero-Richard A. Drummond.flv

Donations Pick Up - South Mississippi Hometown Hero-Richard A. Drummond.flv.
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Donations Pick Up ! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends. What I said. It is not outcome that the real about Donations Pick Up . You check out this article for information about that want to know is Donations Pick Up .

How is South Mississippi Hometown Hero-Richard A. Drummond.flv

South Mississippi Hometown Hero-Richard A. Drummond.flv Tube. Duration : 3.12 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donations Pick Up . A story about Richard Drummond, a retail nursery owner in the Woolmarket area of Biloxi, who saw a news story on WLOX about a gentleman, Mr. Glynnis Rayburn of Wiggins, MS, who had recently lost his wife to cancer and even more recently suffered the loss of his home to an accidental fire. Drummond explains that after seeing the story on WLOX, he and his wife, Alanna, made the decision to donate a home that was on their property in Woolmarket. Drummond had been using the building as a temporary office while building his new office on the same property but planned to sell the building following completion of the new facility. After seeing the story, Drummond, who had lost his own home during Hurricane Katrina, phoned the Wiggins Police Department, the man's former workplace, and inquired as to how he might contact Mr. Rayburn. He was assisted by several of the staff-members and, after calling several of the numbers that they suggested and leaving messages for Mr. Rayburn to return his call, Drummond received a call from "Popps", Mr. Rayburn's nickname, who could not believe what Mr. Drummond explained that he wanted to do for him. Popps was able to rally the help of the Stone County Sheriff's Dept., as well as several other volunteers, and they raised the money to pick the home up in Woolmarket and move it to it's new address in Wiggins. The home was hauled away from Landscape Logistics Nursery with much fanfare that included lights and sirens of the Stone County Sheriff's ...
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