Tuesday, June 19, 2012

5 Household Chores Even Young Kids Can Do

Clothing Donations Pick Up - 5 Household Chores Even Young Kids Can Do
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Do you know about - 5 Household Chores Even Young Kids Can Do

Clothing Donations Pick Up! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

"A woman's work is never done!" Has a more specific statement ever been uttered? Don't hesitate to recruit even the very young to help out here and there colse to the house. Even very young children can do easy, quick chores that will help moms out. Not only will some of the "woman's chores" get done, but the child also learns some responsibility and some great habits.

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How is 5 Household Chores Even Young Kids Can Do

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Clothing Donations Pick Up.

Of course, any jobs assigned to children need to be simplified for them, taught and, at first, supervised. But in the long run, it is worth this extra bit of time and thought.

#1. Even toddlers can be responsible for manufacture their bed daily. Have your child select a duvet cover set they love. The only skill they will need to make a bed with this type of bedding is just to straighten the cover and plump and place the pillow. That's it. And if your child loves his/her bedding, he/she will be motivated to keep the bed seeing great.

#2. Children love to play with and scatter their toys. If you teach them simple assosication and make sure every toy has a place to "live" on a shelf, in a drawer, in a cupboard, or in a box, the child will know where every toy goes. At the end of the day, as part of their bedtime ritual, help your child pick up and put away their toys. This provides a sense of closure to the days events and can be a pleasurable time spent with your child before sleeping. It can also help operate excess toys. After Christmas and birthdays, as new toys are received, if there isn't a place to store them, your child needs to select toys they are willing to purge to make room for the new ones. Old toys can be re-gifted or donated to unfortunate children.

#3. One of my earliest memories was begging my mom to let me help her fold clothes. She gave me facecloths to fold at first because they were easy. I also got to pair up socks. I loved doing this. Finally she taught me to hang up pants and shirts, fold towels, underwear, pjs, and t-shirts. I knew how to fold most laundered items by the time I was 5 or 6 years old. There is no surmise why even a very young toddler can't help with this chore. In a well-organized and labeled bedroom, they can even learn to put away their own clothes and, perhaps, even those of other family members and bathroom and kitchen towels in time.

Drawers and cupboards with a small photo of the type of item (ie. T-shirt) on the front will help these small, illiterate people. Drawer-pulls and knobs with thorough pictures on them can even be purchased.

#4. Vacuuming is a bit deceptive. It sounds like a difficult job but, really, what skills are required? Walking, while pushing and pulling a wand. That's all. Even a child can do that! Although a small child may not do the most thorough job, every bit of vacuuming helps. Start off by having your child vacuum their own bedroom. Make a game of it. Catch the dust bunnies! But don't vacuum up the cat!

By encouraging your child to enounce cleanliness, you are instilling him/her with a life long appreciation. This could be a great help for those teen years!

#5. Children love to see plants grow and thrive. Make them a part of the process by having them help with quarterly watering. To make this chore easier, give smaller children a holder (like a cup) to portion the water for one plant at a time. They can fill the cup, empty it into one plant pot, re-fill, and repeat. Then you don't have to worry about your plants being drowned. If your child tends to spill, use an old soda pop bottle instead to operate sloshing.

Motivation - Most young children love to help out colse to the house. Even if your child is not a natural helper, a chart of some type will help. Children need to have a optical reminder of what they need to do and how often. Even using a monthly calendar and stickers theory can help agenda and motivate children. Every day they get a seal for manufacture the bed. Every week they get a seal for watering plants. And so on. If the seal itself isn't adequate motivation, use the accumulation for a bigger reward. 5 stickers and they get to watch a beloved movie with Mom or they get to have a friend sleep over.

You may want two charts, one for daily chores and one for weekly chores. This also helps children learn how to view and make charts, how to count, and the distance of a day as compared to a week or a month.

If all this teaching and training seems like a lot of extra work for Mom and Dad, keep the "big picture" in mind. You are teaching your child basic skills they will need as independent adults.

**Disclaimer: We will not be held responsible for drowned plants, vacuumed pets or any other "disasters". Please use your common sense when assigning your child responsibilities!

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