Friday, June 29, 2012

Ernie Ball - The Best Strings for EMG Pickups

Donations Pick Up - Ernie Ball - The Best Strings for EMG Pickups.
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How is Ernie Ball - The Best Strings for EMG Pickups

Ernie Ball - The Best Strings for EMG Pickups Tube. Duration : 5.53 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donations Pick Up . I hope you like this video about Ernie Ball strings/EMG pickups. If you think this video is helpful, consider making a donation through my website, In my opinion, EMG pickups sound undefined with certain string brands such as GHS Boomers and Dean Markley Blue Steel. Because of their high output, EMG pickups enhance the oscillation of certain strings, creating a dirty sound. Based on my tests, Ernie Ball nickel wound strings give me the cleanest and most defined sound with active EMGs, mainly when played with distortion. My string tests on this video refer only to active EMGs. Passive pickups behave and sound entirely different. My tests here should not be used as a reference for passive pickups. Also, Im using nickel wound strings. Ernie Balls stainless strings, for example, sound entirely different. I play the following guitars on this video . ESP M-II with original Floyd Rose and EMG 81 pickups . BC Rich Wartribe with Kahler Hybrid and EMG 81/85 pickups . Gibson Explorer 84 Reissue with EMG 81/60 pickups
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