Monday, June 18, 2012

Pre - Race Tips For Race Day Success

Clothing Donations Pick Up - Pre - Race Tips For Race Day Success
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Do you know about - Pre - Race Tips For Race Day Success

Clothing Donations Pick Up! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

You've trained hard to put in order for your race. This featured report lists a amount of tips that you can apply before the race to ensure a clear race experience.

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How is Pre - Race Tips For Race Day Success

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Clothing Donations Pick Up.

The Day Before The Race

Race day morning is stressful enough. Taking care of most operational details the day before will help you avoid undue anxiety that morning. For example:

If you plan to drive to the race, find a strategically located parking spot practically 10 minutes walking length to the starting line. Plan your race day driving route, taking into catalogue race day road closures.

Familiarize yourself with the course by driving it. Take note of the locations of uphill and downhill sections of the course, so that you will be mentally ready for them during the race.

Draw up your pace band (a pace band is list that contains your target times for each km or mile). There are many online pace bands that you can use. Adjust pace band times for hills and heat. Print it and tape it to your watch strap with clear plastic tape so that it won't smear or fall apart from sweat or rain.

Carbo load. Eat meals that are high in carbohydrates along with enough amounts of low fat protein.

Pack your bag with anything you will need on race day. Lay out your running gear and pin your bib.

Don't pack any running clothes or shoes that you have not yet "broken in."

If the climatic characteristic at the start of the race will be less than 21C (70F) and you will be standing nearby waiting for the race to start, pack an old sweater that you can wear to keep warm before the race that you can toss once the race starts. Many races accumulate and donate these throwaways to charitable organizations. Use it as an chance to get rid of an old disgustingly out-of- style sweater that your husband, boyfriend or needful other stubbornly hangs on to. You will be happier and the world will thank you.

If rain is forecast for race day, pack a large plastic garbage bag in which you've cut holes for your head and arms. It will help keep you dry at the starting line. This is one situation where functionality clearly trumps aesthetics.

2-3 Hours Before The Race

Eat the same small meal that you've eaten before your long runs. Stick with the tried and true. Race day is not a good time to find out how your stomach reacts to a new pre-run meal.

1-2 Hours Before The Race (depending upon the size of the race)

Arrive at the race early. Pick up your race kit and check your baggage. In large races, there can be long wait lines, or it can be a quick process in small races. In my first society organized 10K that I entered, when I inquired about the location of the baggage check, the elderly volunteer sagely responded: "Does your car have a trunk?"

20-30 Minutes Before the Start

Warm up with 10-15 minutes of light jogging. If possible, jog along the first mile or kilometer of the course to inform yourself with it.

Take your last bathroom or port -a-potty break.

10 Minutes Before the Start

Jog for 5 minutes and run 4-6 striders. during each strider, slowly accelerate to race pace in 30 meters (yards) and that hold that pace for another 30-40 meters or yards. This prepares your body to run at race pace.

Relax. Breathe deeply. You are ready. Make this day memorable. Enjoy and good luck!

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