Friday, June 15, 2012

Ferris Buellers Day Off 1986 Trailer

Donations Pick Up - Ferris Buellers Day Off 1986 Trailer.
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How is Ferris Buellers Day Off 1986 Trailer

Ferris Buellers Day Off 1986 Trailer Video Clips. Duration : 2.80 Mins.

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donations Pick Up . As the movie opens, high school senior Ferris Bueller (Matthew Broderick), decides to skip school on a nice spring day by faking an illness to his parents (Lyman Ward and Cindy Pickett), then encourages his girlfriend, Sloane (Mia Sara), and his pessimistic best friend, Cameron (Alan Ruck), to spend the day in Chicago as one of their last flings before they head off to different colleges. Ferris persuades Cameron to let them use his father's prized convertible 1961 Ferrari 250 GT California to drive into the city. The rest of the school and many residents learn of Ferris' exaggerated illness and offer donations to help "Save Ferris." Only two people are not convinced by Ferris's deception: his often sarcastic sister Jeanie (Jennifer Grey), outraged at Ferris's ability to defy authority easily, and the school's Dean of Students, Edward Rooney (Jeffrey Jones), who believes Ferris to be a truant. Ferris and his friends arrive downtown and leave the Ferrari with two garage attendants, who drive off in it a short time later to take a joyride. Ferris, Sloane and Cameron enjoy many sights of the city, including taking in a game at Wrigley Field, visiting the Sears Tower, the Art Institute of Chicago, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and taking part in the Von Steuben Day Parade, with Ferris lip-syncing on a float to "Danke Schoen" and The Beatles' version of "Twist and Shout". Ferris even uses his ploys to pretend he is Abe Froman, the Sausage King of Chicago, to dine at an ...
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