Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Your Tax Return - How the Tax Return Process Works

Donations Pick Up - Your Tax Return - How the Tax Return Process Works
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Do you know about - Your Tax Return - How the Tax Return Process Works

Donations Pick Up! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

So its nearing April 15th. That frightful of all days. The Tax Deadline. You know you have a ton on your mind. This is the last thing you want. Well, you are a brave soul You have done this in the past. Many times in the past actually.

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How is Your Tax Return - How the Tax Return Process Works

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donations Pick Up.

So, with a distinguished resolution, you conclude to get started on your Tax Return this very weekend. You pack your spouse off to a picnic and roll up your sleeves and get ready. You are not afraid of paper, not a bit. You run off to the post office and get all the newest forms and worksheets and sit down at your desk.

So painted below in words is a hypothetical scenario of what would transpire as you head down the glorious path of making ready your Tax Return.

Scenario 1 : Hand-Filled, Self-Filed Tax Return
You go to the post office and pick up the paper booklet with the tax form. Now if you are smart you would have gotten every tax form you know - but you did'nt, so you had to make 2 trips to get all the forms you need. Next... You have to go through the specific process of having to fill one box at a time, make sure your entries are okay, make sure you at least copied down all from your W2 into your . Because each calculation is associated to the next, each box ties to the next. At the end of this painstaking process you arrive at the final estimate - your reimbursement or the tax you owe. Next step - Find the right address to mail to. Do you know where to mail your tax return. Well its there, its probably in the instructions to the form. Again scan every word until you get the address. Oh Well Eureka!! You just found it.. Congratulations. Now put that in an envelope. Walk to the post-office make it before midnight on April 15th and make sure you catch the last snail mail train. Because if it leaves, you are in trouble.. Big trouble! Well you made it. You rub your hands with joy and pat yourself on the back. Your Tax Return Is finally Done !! Well you just hit the starter to the engine. You just set in motion for the next series of events that will finally get you that coveted reimbursement check! Assuming no postal delays - your tax return will get to the Irs in about 2 firm days. Next your little piece of work, your tax return, will enter a queue until its routed to the exact department. Lets give his a day for manufacture this laberious journey. Next, It gets picked up to be scanned using sophisticated machines called optical scanners which converts your handwritten tax return into a readable computer file. Hiccup 1: If you hand filled your return with pen and paper, if the scanner cannot recognize your handwriting - then the scanning process will reject - and then it would get put into someone else queue to be manually processed by a human - lets give 4 to 5 days for this to happen. someone will of course read your tax return and then type the contents manually into a computer. At this point your tax return is now a what is called a raw data file. Now the raw data file will get run through an editing agenda which will verify the basic details - like did you put in a valid Ssn, did you punch in too many zeros in your wage eg. You wrote 000 instead of 00 in a box on the form. If all is okay, Your return which is now computer file will then get put into a database along with millions of other tax payers. Your tax return will join thousands of others who e-filed their tax return at this point. From this point on - the process should work like greased lightning. Next a series of computer programs will be run on the database to validate the tax returns. It will assess the data on your file against what your employers filed. So if you incorrectly entered 200 on your wage but the boss sent in ,000 the process will pull out your tax return for 'special' processing. Also your tax return gets pulled up in a random audit checks. The most fantastic minds in the Irs ought to be designing these computer programs to conclude which tax return needs to be pulled up for auditing. Possibly the holy grail of Irs secrets ! If you pass step 9, and you have a refund, you will be routed to a agenda that prints your reimbursement check - give someone else 1-2 days for this process to complete. If you elected direct deposit, a pay invite will be sent to deposit the money into your bank catalogue (1 day) If you did not elect direct deposit, your reimbursement check will go for printing (1 day). Then your reimbursement will go to the mailing group to be sent to you (1-2days). After about (2-3 days) of spending time in the Usps, the check should get to you - again via snail mail, the same way you mailed out your tax return.

This was just one tax filing scenario - the one with a happy ending! Did you glean any facts from this ? Did you learn how you can do this process more efficiently, or how you can cut your tax making ready costs. Find out more about the tax filing process and the tools and tax making ready tips that will of course save you a lot of grief and save you money!

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