Thursday, May 24, 2012

8 Easy Tips On How To Declutter Your Home For Summer Fun

Clothing Donation Pick Up - 8 Easy Tips On How To Declutter Your Home For Summer Fun
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Clothing Donation Pick Up! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

In the days before freeways when I was a child my mother would load up the car with two kids and everything we would need for the summer and trip about 600 miles to our grandmother's home. Summer wasn't exactly lazy as we would get up at 4:00 a.m. And pick raspberries in my uncle's patch until all the rows were done. We normally got through about 1:00 p.m. I swore I would never eat other raspberry in my life. I didn't eat them in the patch but I got so hot and tired picking them.

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How is 8 Easy Tips On How To Declutter Your Home For Summer Fun

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Clothing Donation Pick Up.

Today my thoughts turn from picking berries to having an organized summer so I can relax and take it a bit easier. With a petite planning ahead it is a snap to manufacture your home for summer activities and just chilling out.

1. What's for dinner? Plan summer dinners ahead of time instead of dreading every day and not knowing what to cook for dinner. If meat for the grill is on the menu take it out the night before and put it in the refrigerator. Make simple desserts or buy fresh fruit and berries. Become an devotee cooking Crockpot meals.

2. Plan one day a week to have a pre-cooked meal such as a rotisserie chicken or pizza from the freezer. Make extra meals when cooking, frost the extra and cook it on a busy or lazy day. Assign each child a day to cook supper once a week. This is a fun way for them to learn to cook and they have the time in the summer. Plan picnic lunches or dinners and serve simple sandwiches and chips along with veggies.

3. Don't over schedule your kids with summer activities. Limit activities so you don't have to be running them around from place to place all day every day. You need some down time too. Children need to chill out too and enjoy being children, dreaming and creating.

4.To cut down on the washing and folding of clothes teach children to use their bath towels more than one time and hang it up after using it. Make a family laundry schedule. When children are encouraged to wash and fold laundry they may be motivated to hang their clothes up after wearing them only once if they aren't dirty. They will find other ways to cut down on laundry being thrown in the laundry bin.

5. Encourage every person to declutter your home beginning with their bedrooms. Help younger children sort through their clothes and donate those that don't fit or put away seasonal clothes if this haven't been done already and pair down on the estimate of toys they have.

6. After their bedrooms are de-cluttered schedule one or two mornings a week to declutter separate places in your home. With children home for the summer it is a good time to teach them the value of work and pitching in to help the family. Start with a small task first and work your way up to larger projects like the garage. This may also mean getting up early to manufacture before it gets too hot to work outside. It is foremost to recompense every person with a treat after each task is completed. Let the children settle what kind of treat they will have--either something to eat or a field trip someplace in town.

7. When scheduling time to de-clutter also schedule time to do nothing. Pronounce sleep-in days or reading and craft days. When children know summer will not just be all work and no play they will be more cooperative when asked to work.

8. When planning a field trip to a local museum, farmers market, or other action plan ahead by checking to see if you have food you plan on taking, the car has gas and the kids clothes and bags are laid out the night before.

Organizing will help you have a terrific summer you and your children can enjoy and look back on as one of the best ever.

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