Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Save Your Green By Going Green

Va Donation Pick Up - Save Your Green By Going Green
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Va Donation Pick Up! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

We all want to do our part by being complex in the Green Movement. Most believe going green costs more. You can honestly save money going green. There are some great tips here that will help you save your green and go green.

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How is Save Your Green By Going Green

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Va Donation Pick Up.

Out Doors:

Use a rake instead of a leaf blower. You will get more exercise, not pollute the air and save the money you would be spending on the gas or electricity to use a leaf blower.

Instead of a 2 stroke gasoline powered mower which releases as many hydrocarbons into the climate in 30 minutes as a car does in 90 minutes switch to an galvanic mower.

Ride a bike to work, take public communication or car pool. My husband bought a bike and rides it to work when the weather permits, which in Texas is pretty often. We have not only helped the environment but a lot of money as we do not have to buy gas often anymore.

Dry your clothes on a clothes line. You will be salvage on electricity and your clothes will smell fresh and clean.


Lcd Flat Panel tv's use 1/3 of the electricity of the tube based tv's.

Just because they come out with a new machine doesn't mean you have to run right out and buy one. Use the one you have until it is no longer useable.

Recycle your non working computers, printers, I-Pods, computer game equipment and cell phones.

Donate working electronics to charities, clubs and schools.

Use E Cards instead of the conventional greeting cards, you are salvage trees and salvage money. You are not having to buy the card, pay the postage and make a trip to the post office for mailing.

Go paperless, pay your bills online.

Save documents on your computer or to a disc instead of printing them and filing them.

Around The House:

Instead of going out and buying new furniture head out to the flea market, garage sales or re-sell shops. If more of us did this there would not be near as many materials being used to organize furniture.

For the expectant mother I recommend you never buy new maternity clothes, you are only going to use them for a short period of time. Once again the garage sales and the re-sell shops are a great place to shop.

The same goes for baby clothes, I am not saying never buy anyone new, but we can save a lot and help the environment by buying used clothing. My grand daughters who I spoil unmercifully had clothes from garage sales most of their lives. I do buy them some new clothes but I can find very nice designer clothes for a fraction of the cost by hitting the good re-sell shops and the garage sales.

Used appliances when ever potential for me also.

I shop in pawn shops for tv's, just bought an approximately new flat panel tv for 0.00. I buy all my jewelry in pawn shops also. I save tons of money and have more jewelry than I would if I went out and bought it new. I see it as not having to mine for metals and gems.

Bottle your own water. Studies have shown that the water you buy is honestly no good than your own tap water. You can buy a nice water filtration ideas and save a lot of money by bottling your own water.

We all talk about re-cycling. Now they have FreeCycle. Check online for one in your community. citizen post what they have to get rid of and others that want it come and pick it up from your porch at a time that the two of you set up and you have just gotten rid of the things you no longer want and someone else needs. Charities also advantage from this site. Just go to http://www.freecycle.org to check in your area.

Use cloth diapers. Help the environment and your child will also benefit. The disposable diapers cause more diaper rashes than the cloth diapers do.

Use a ceiling fan to cool a room. Ceiling fans consume as miniature energy as a 60 watt bulb, about 98% less energy than central air.

Install a programmable thermostat and recycle your old mercury containing thermostats.

When using the oven, throw a cake in when you are baking the chicken, roast, etc... You can also bake two meats at once and have one for evening meal and one for lunch the following day. I like doing a chicken for the following day as it is as good cold as it is warm.

Take your own packaging to the cafeteria to bring home any leftovers from the meal. You will not be using the Styrofoam packaging and have nothing to throw out to the landfills.

I hope you have new knowledge about Va Donation Pick Up. Where you possibly can put to use in your evryday life. And just remember, your reaction is Va Donation Pick Up.Read more.. Save Your Green By Going Green. View Related articles associated with Va Donation Pick Up. I Roll below. I have recommended my friends to assist share the Facebook Twitter Like Tweet. Can you share Save Your Green By Going Green.

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