Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Silent Auction Rules

Donation Pick Up - Silent Auction Rules
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Do you know about - Silent Auction Rules

Donation Pick Up! Again, for I know. Ready to share new things that are useful. You and your friends.

Understanding silent auction rules can help you to quote well with the participants. There are some general rules for running a silent auction. However, the auction conducted for a charitable purpose can turn some of the rules. For every silent auction item, there should be a bid sheet, which offers details about the item, minimum bid and bid increments. The bidders need to write their bid amount and bid amount on the bid sheet given to them. They are responsible for paying for the auction items they win. The winning bidders must pay and pick up the item within the prescribed date.

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How is Silent Auction Rules

We had a good read. For the benefit of yourself. Be sure to read to the end. I want you to get good knowledge from Donation Pick Up.

General rules:

o Auction rules specify that all the bidders should be aged eighteen years or above. The bid is interpreted as a legal agreement in the middle of the auctioneer and bidder, where the bidder must purchase the listed item at the amount indicated.
o The bidder must write his name and bidding amount in the space in case,granted in the bid sheet. He should also write his bid in the appropriate space. The new bids must be higher than the former bid.
o The winning bids must be placed by cash, check or reputation card at the end of the event or within a prescribed date. Payments must be made in full. Bids showing cents will be commonly rounded up to the next dollar amount.
o The silent auction rules do not allow the bidder to scratch out the bids, in order to safe the integrity of the bidders.
o The winner of the auction is one, who places the highest bid within a specified time.
o The bid sheet should not be removed from the silent auction table.
o Bids would not be made after an item is closed.
o The bids must be increased, as per the specifications given in the bid sheet.
o If any conflict arises in identifying the last valid bid for a singular item, the auction staff has the right to rule the winner. They can also use some alternate formula of end the item.

The auction rules stress that the bid sheets must contain all known or apparent contents and details of the items. If it is not inherent to display gift cards or certificates, it is advisable to display at least the copies of such items. The trips and tour packages are the most piquant silent auction items and are often offered by the auctioneers. The reservation for trips, bed and breakfast in hotels and ticket redemption must be mutually arranged by the donor and the winning bidder.

Online silent auction rules are practically similar to that of general silent auction. The bidder can place his bid by filling out the information in the bid form, included in the respective website. It is prominent to pick the item for which he is placing the bid. If his bid is the winner of an item, he would be informed via email. He then needs to make payment by way of check, reputation card or money order.

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